Upcoming Events
at CenterPointe Church

At CenterPointe our mission is simple, we want to help you move from where you are to where God wants you to be. Here are some events we have coming up that will help you Make the Move.

Calling All Men!, ages 6th grade to Methusulah! The guys will get together September 28th, from 5:00-7:30. We will have dinner and fellowship. For those interested we will have corn hole and volleyball available.
The cost is $5.00/person.
Don't forget to bring a friend!
Help us help our local teachers. You can donate through August 18th. Donations can be made by check or cash in an offering envelope, mark them Back To School. You can also scan the QR code to give with a credit card option.

West TX District will have their annual Girls Ministry Sleepover, September 27-28 at Plainview First Assembly. The cost of the event is $35 for ages 2nd-5th grade. The girls will have sessions of games, devotions, worship and crafts. Food and lodging will be provided. Deadline to register is September 6th. You can sign-up on the QR code
to register.
Ladies, join us for our Annual Fall Retreat at Bonita Park in Angus, New Mexico. The cost of the weekend is $155/person. We will be taking the early arrival option this year. This just give us a little extra time to enjoy our time in the mountains and with each other to fellowship. Just scan the QR code to sign-up.